#Young Adult Literature

Looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or to give to the teens in your life? We’ve got all the bases (and genres) covered.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars to Return for a Final Season (Plus New Star Wars Books!)

In addition to new episodes of our beloved "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," there are new, fantastic literary adventures awaiting us.

3 on a YA Theme: Books for Your August Library Holds List

Make sure that you're first in line with these August 2018 YA books!

YA Graphic Novels Coming Out August–December 2018

Put these upcoming YA graphic novels on your library holds list ASAP!

4 YA Books with Questioning Characters

Four great books with narrators who are questioning their sexualities.

3 on a YA Theme: Villains as Protagonists

Check out these YA fantasy novels that position famous fairy tale villains as protagonists, including the origin story of an original villainess!

5 YA Fantasy Series to Read By the Pool

If you're suffering from a reading slump, or looking for engaging books to read by the pool, peep these engaging YA fantasy series for summer reading.

5 Fat-Positive YA Novels

These self-proclaimed fat girls are so not here for your body shaming. Fat-positive YA novels for the win!

8 Great YA Horror Books

For the YA readers who don't mind an ocassional bout of insomnia, here's a selection of some of the creepiest, chilliest YA horror books out there.

Adult Fiction for YA Readers

Romance, historical fiction, and literary fiction for lovers of YA.

3 on a YA Theme: 2018 Summer Reads

Get the most out of your summer reading with these 2018 YA summer reads!