Some of the best YA books hitting shelves this summerr.
If you don't enjoy waiting for the next book in a series, we've got some excellent standalone YA fantasy book you should add to your TBR.
A YA book that digs into religious tolerance and serves as a powerful reminder for all of us, whatever we do or don't believe.
Looking for more translated YA in your life? The 2019 GLLI Translated YA Book Prize shortlist might be a great place to start.
Get some more great books in your life this year with these 50 YA books that should be added to your 2019 TBR ASAP!
One Rioter highlights 52 of the amazing children's books, from picture books, middle grade, YA, non-fiction, and graphic novels, all published in 2018!
We're getting a ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET adaptation! Judy Blume has granted the rights for her classic kid's book to be adapted for film.
On rereading an old favorite and discovering missed nuances in Elizabeth Marie Pope's YA fantasy novel, THE PERILOUS GARD.
Looking for your next great read? Check out these 21 YA books to add to your fall TBR-- you aren't going to want to miss them!
The National Book Awards Longlists are starting to come out--up first, Young People's Literature!