#Comics Newsletter

AMERICAN FLAGG! Gets a TV Deal, Rewarding Howard Chaykin’s Bad Behavior

After his offensive Divided States of Hysteria, Howard Chaykin has been rewarded for his bad behavior with a TV deal for his earlier American Flagg! series.

Back to School Reading for Grown-Ups, Comics Edition

Graphic novels and comics have a place in ambitious fall reading, too. Here's a comics back to school reading list to get your brain back in gear.

Banned Books Week: Banned/Challenged Comics to Read Now

Comics that have been banned or challenged, to read for Banned Books Week

How I Learned to Love Superhero Comics

A comics reader overcomes her hesitation and learns to love (some) superhero comics.

Let’s Talk About SEX (CRIMINALS): An Interview with Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky

We had a chat with SEX CRIMINALS creators Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky to talk about their comic and the newly released fourth volume.

Why Wonder Woman’s Bisexuality Matters

Comics fans already know Wonder Woman is bisexual. Now there's a petition to portray this accurately in the new movie.

7 Comic Book Heroines Who Deserve Feature Films

The world needs more feature films with comic book heroines, and we have a few suggestions for who should get the next starring roles.

Comics Criticism vs. Artists: I May Not Know Art, But I Know What I Like

Comics Twitter has been in a tizzy over comics criticism and the critics vs. creators divide; this reader has something to say about it.

15 Superpowered Ladies to Fangirl Over

Because we just can't get enough of these awesome, crime fighting, Nazi-punching women. Here are some superpowered ladies to get amped about.

5 Books to Read to Prepare for the Inhumans

The world of the Inhumans is massive and complex, both aliens and deeply familiar. Here are five literary dramas that will prep you for your foray.