Welcome To Children’s Book Week, Sponsored By ThriftBooks
Welcome to Children’s Book Week, in which we’re celebrating all things kid lit. Did you know: Children’s Book Week started in 1919, and is the longest running national literacy initiative in the country? It’s true! And we’re happy to join the party this year. We’re talking parents in middle grade fiction, indestructible books (because we know how helpful those are), adaptations, cooking with kids, marginalized main characters, and so much more. We’ll be publishing new posts on kid lit all week long, so bookmark this post and come back to see what each day has to offer. Read on, and enjoy!
Middle Grade Books About Music, Bands and Musicals
These middle grade kids play instruments, star in musicals, start bands, and more in these middle grade books about music.
My Daughter’s Male World and the Books That Reinforce It
When this parent noticed her child assigning everything male pronouns, she took liberties with the male-dominated children's books they read.
15 Diverse Picture Book Biographies
Introduce young readers to some influential people with these diverse picture book biographies looking at the lives of inspiring individuals.
Indestructible Books for Curious Kids
If you know a baby who shows a love for books with their hands, teeth, and markers, give them one of these indestructible books for kids.
Children’s Books That Contextualize, Correct, or Challenge Classic Kid Lit
If you've heard some recent headlines around challenges to classic kid lit and want stories that do better, check out these children's books.
8 Middle Grade Books With Latinx Characters
From a memoir about a rocket scientist to an emigration story, here's a list of great middle grade books that feature Latinx main characters.
Top Streaming Movies and Shows Based on Children’s Books
As we (hopefully) head into the end of the pandemic, here are some streaming adaptations of children's books for your kids to enjoy.
Quiz: What Classic Middle Grade Character Are You?
Are you like Cassie from ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY, or another character? Find out through this classic middle grade character quiz!
Great Early Chapter Books For Your Emerging Reader!
Know a young reader who's ready to move up to chapter books and needs an introduction? Check out these popular early chapter books.
Roughing It: The Appeal of Survivalist Kids’ Books
Scrounging up berries and spearing fish. Roughing it in the wilderness. What is it about survivalist books for kids that's so appealing?
Are Comics for Kids or Aren’t They?
Are comics for kids? Generalizations and stereotypes about comics and their readers persist, and we're breaking down a common question.
9 Middle Grade Novels With Disabled Main Characters
These nine middle grade novels with disabled main characters show the depth and breadth of disabled pre-teen experiences.
10 Delicious Middle Grade Novels About Kids Who Love to Cook and Bake
Wake up your tastebuds with these ten mouthwatering middle grade novels about cooking and baking, starring some inspiring young chefs.
The Importance of Good Parents in Middle Grade Fiction
A reader considers the importance of good parents in middle grade fiction, and how their presence might impact kids in their formative years.
10 Great Feminist Children’s Books
A reader shares the feminist children's books she hopes to read to a future son or daughter when the time comes. Add these to your TBR!