Get ready to investigate and report with these three YA books about teen journalists!
If you've ever wanted to visit Ireland but lacked the funds for a plane ticket, pick up of of these YA books set in Ireland!
Calling all YA anthology fans! Add these five 2019 YA anthologies to your TBR this year!
Get some more great books in your life this year with these 50 YA books that should be added to your 2019 TBR ASAP!
Kick off 2019 with this list of amazing January 2019 YA releases! What YA book releases are you looking forward to this year?
Special illustrations, stained pages, and gorgeous endpapers, oh my! Buy these three beautiful YA books in print for the holiday season, or whenever!
If the Netflix Adaptaion of Julie Murphy's fat-positive YA novel left a Dumplin' shaped hole in your heart, here are 10 Dumplin' read-alikes to fill it.
Don't miss these end-of-the-year must-read December 2018 YA releases! Pull up that library holds list and take note of these books.
Check out a selection of YA graphic memoirs that cover the Civil Right Movement, horse theft, family drama, and coming out!
Prepare for a year of excellent, diverse books by packing your To-Be-Read list with these 2019 YA books starring queer girls!