How much do you know about the history of gender in manga? Here's a brief overview from a nonbinary writer and certified weeb.
As we wrap up Pride Month, celebrate the real lives of queer people in a different part of the world through these LGBTQ+ nonfiction manga!
Relationship troubles, motorcycle races, magical conflicts, and mermaid girlfriends--these 2019 LGBTQ comics and graphic novels have it all!
Excellent comics about women who love women! Read on to see the best in comics about queer women.
This excellent comic about queer girls returns with PRINCELESS: RAVEN THE PIRATE PRINCESS YEAR 2 #1, hitting comic book stores on October 18.
We've got a queer black romance comic, Bingo Love, that you need to back on Kickstarter.
Let's make this year a lot more gay with the LGBTQ comics set to release sometime in the next twelve months.
It's been a difficult Pride month for the LGBTQ+ community, but these comic characters are a bright spot of hope for Keri.
Thomas discusses why it's important to have LGBTQ+ materials in a library collection, and positive and negative responses he's received as a result.
Looking for LGBTQ+ comics? We've got a few great choice for fans of science fiction.