Do you also have a soft spot for any polarizing characters in comics or books? Here's why Harley Quinn deserves all her recent shine.
Mr. J's out and Harley Effing Quinn is in! But are you really a Harley? Or are you more of a Black Canary? This Birds of Prey quiz will help you find out.
We're taking a deep dive into the often troubled world of Harley Quinn, her history, her problematic relationship, and the narrative of her victimization.
A reader who got to know the Gotham Girl Gang offers a brief introduction to Birds of Prey to help you prepare for the upcoming film.
Hide or find your wallets, then have a gander at this week's Comics Fetish, featuring Mega Man, Pokémon Go, Harley Quinn, and more!
Is David Ayers' take on the motley crew of Suicide Squad as painless as it sounds? Listen on in Oh, Comics! a weekly comics podcast.
With Suicide Squad premiering this week to mixed reviews and controversy, Priya Sridhar discusses reasons for and against seeing the film.
Jon Erik takes a look at the odds on which characters will survive the Suicide Squad movie.
Sara loved Harley Quinn, but realized that the character was defined by an abusive relationship and was not a positive representation of women.
What made Sara realize she had to break up with one of her favorite comic book characters Harley Quinn?