Aurora Lydia Dominguez

Aurora Lydia Dominguez is a journalist, high school teacher and college professor based in Hollywood, Florida. A journalist at heart, she worked for places like The Miami Herald and J-14 Magazine as a reporter and editor before going from the newsroom to the classroom. Aurora's passions include reading a book on Saturday mornings with her cat Luna, time with her husband Seb and pop rock shows. You can email her at

YA and Middle Grade Books that Teach Big Lessons

With all of their character growth snd plot development, YA and middle grade books have a lot of teach. Here are a few memorable lessons.

8 Adventurous and Romantic YA Road Trip Stories to Read This Summer

We can't always head out on an epic road trip on a whim, but these romantic YA road trip stories, including Melt With You by Jennifer Dugan, are almost as good as the real thing.

Why Diverse Female Superheroes Are So Impactful

Young readers and adults alike find inspiration in superhero stories, which is why it's so important that we can all see ourselves represented there.

8 New Historical Fiction Reads Set During and After WWII

These recent reads set during and after World War II feature characters falling in love, coming of age, and finding courage in the face of tragedy.

How to Have a Positive Bookish Community (Even On Twitter)

From gossipy book clubs to flame wars on Twitter, bookish groups can be fraught. Here are some ways to build a positive bookish community.

8 Science-Fiction and Fantasy Books to Expect in May

From middle grade adventure to adult space opera, add these sci-fi and fantasy releases to your TBR in May, including Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao.

Why Moon Knight and Mental Health Representation Matters to Me

It's powerful to see mental health issues depicted in different types of art, and Oscar Isaac in MOON KNIGHT has blown me away.

A Reflection on Batman Actors Represented on the Screen Throughout the Years

How many portrayals of Batman have you seen over the years? One reader— and watcher— recounts the many Batmans of her life and their merits.

Badass Female Heroines in YA Fantasy

What makes a character badass? Is it a way with words? Fierceness? Here are a few badass heroines in YA fantasy with all that and more.

Reclaiming My Anxious Mind With Reading

During some of the hardest times in my life, while my mind was otherwise consumed with anxiety, reading helped me to find peace and escape.