#In Translation

In Translation: July Fiction and Poetry

New fiction and poetry releases in translation coming out in July!

Recent Books in Translation: 6 recommendations

Check out these 6 recommendations to get more translation into your life.

100 Must-Read Works of Speculative Fiction in Translation

Excellent works of speculative fiction in translation for your TBR.

In Translation: June Fiction and Poetry

New releases in translation coming out this month.

The Books of BEA: Works in Translation

Upcoming works in translation we discovered at BEA!

4 of the Best Fiction in Translation Works This Year (So Far)

Looking for an excellent work in translation to read? Start with these!

Can a Book Really Transport You To Another Country?

On reading in translation, travel, and other cultures.

Translators Deserve More Recognition

Why translators of literature deserve more recognition from the book world.

In Translation: May Fiction and Poetry

Check out the fiction and poetry in translation hitting shelves this month.

In Translation: April Fiction and Poetry

New release in translation coming in April