#Comics Newsletter

Making Magic: Kat Howard and Tom Fowler Open Up BOOKS OF MAGIC

THE BOOKS OF MAGIC are beloved of so many readers and are about to be again. Kat Howard and Tom Fowler give us a peek into Tim Hunter's new world.

Azzarello and Bermejo on Black Label’s BATMAN: DAMNED

Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo have a brand new Batman for you; Batman: Damned, a Batman who needs help from John Freaking Constantine.

VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER Forges a Path Comics Must Follow

VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER is forging a new path for representation in Western animation and giving Lion Forge the opportunity to do the same for comics.

A Friendly Reminder that Comic Books Still Count as Reading

On the argument that comic books count as reading. Many people feel comic books aren't real books when the opposite is true.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars to Return for a Final Season (Plus New Star Wars Books!)

In addition to new episodes of our beloved "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," there are new, fantastic literary adventures awaiting us.

YA Graphic Novels Coming Out August–December 2018

Put these upcoming YA graphic novels on your library holds list ASAP!

King and Gerads on the End of Mister Miracle

All great things come to an end--on the end of MISTER MIRACLE. Of course, the thing itself being great doesn't always mean a happy ending...

Marvel’s First Gay Couple, Arnie and Michael: A Love Story

Say hello to Arnold and Michael! This article takes a look back at one of Marvel's very first gay couples.

Get to Know DC’s Titans

Who are the Titans? Get to know each of the characters we'll meet in season one of DC Universe's upcoming show, TITANS, and watch the trailer from SDCC.

The New DC/Vertigo: “Fighting a War to Tell Stories”

The authors and artists of the new DC/Vertigo are fighting a war to tell stories. They win. We win. This is the power of comics.