
Whether you’re looking for free audiobooks you can download online, or hankering after full-cast audiobook productions, we’ve got recommendations for the best audiobooks you can get in your ears.

6 Buzzy Audiobooks for Awards Season

Tis the season — for book awards! This list will give you a great place to start with the 6 buzziest award-winning titles.

We Need to Stop Asking the Question, “Do Audiobooks Count as Reading?”

Audiobooks are more popular than ever, but the question of whether they count as reading is ableist and doesn't consider their history.

8 Audiobooks for Fall-loving Foodies

Do you love fall and food? These 8 foodie audiobooks — about food from all over the world — will put you in the perfect sort of happy place.

20 Awesome Audiobooks for Kids (And the Adults Who Need Them Productively Occupied)

Even if you're not exhausted (and who among us isn't?), the benefits of audiobooks for kids can't be beaten. Here's some of the best.

7 Audiobooks for Latinx Heritage Month

From Mexico City noir to magical, generational tales, these audiobooks are sure to delight as you celebrate Latinx Heritage Month.

It’s Time To Slow Down Your Audiobook Speed

Love listening to audiobooks at 1.25 or 1.5 or even 2 times the speed? Here's your challenge to slow down and listen with intention.

10 of Libro.fm’s Most Preordered Audiobooks for Fall 2021 Part 2

Here's the the second installment of Libro.fm’s most preordered fall releases, bringing the best new books straight to your headphones.

6 Mysteries and Thrillers on Audio

A prestigious boarding school, a courtroom, a noodle shop, and more all provide the settings for this list of thrilling audiobooks

Epic Listens: 9 Works of Epic Poetry on Audio

Immerse yourself in these epic poetry audiobooks, from ancient classics to contemporary twists and modern takes.

8 Audiobooks Narrated by Adjoa Andoh

Adjoa Andoh's narrates everything — from stories about romantic escapades to otherworldly sci-fi — brilliantly.