Rachel Cordasco

Rachel Cordasco has a Ph.D in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor. When she's not at her day job or chasing three kids, she's writing reviews and translating Italian speculative fiction. She runs the website sfintranslation.com, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

In Translation: May Fiction

Excellent fiction in translation, all out this month!

In Translation: April Fiction and Poetry

New books coming out this month, all in translation.

In Translation: March Fiction and Poetry

New books coming out this month, all in translation.

In Translation: February Fiction and Poetry

A retrospective collection of Octavio Paz's poetry, a detective novel from a Nobel Prize winner, and an award-winning novel from Turkey. Check out these February fiction and poetry works in translation.

In Translation: January Fiction and Poetry

New January releases in translation!

In Translation: December Fiction and Poetry

December fiction and poetry in translation hitting bookshelves.

Speculative Fiction in Translation: Cuba

Read the world with these works of speculative fiction in translation from Cuban authors!

In Translation: November Fiction and Poetry

New releases in translation, coming out this month!

Speculative Fiction in Translation: Argentina

Sci-fi/fantasy in translation from Argentinian authors!

In Translation: October Fiction and Poetry

New releases coming out this month, all in translation!

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