Jamie Canaves

Jamie Canavés is the Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator and Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter writer–in case you’re wondering what you do with a Liberal Arts degree. She’s never met a beach she didn’t like, always says yes to dessert, loves ‘80s nostalgia, all forms of entertainment, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. You can definitely talk books with her on Litsy and Goodreads. Depending on social media’s stability maybe also Twitter and Bluesky.

5 Japanese Crime Writers that Should Be On Your Radar

Fans of mystery and crime fiction should put these 5 Japanese crime writers on their TBR list.

Superhero Art: Let’s Get Political

Artist get political with fantastic superhero art--and one villain.

10 Must-See Amazing Action Figure Photographs

Make your day awesome by scrolling through this amazing action figure photographs that bring superheroes and villains to life.

Just Say No to Epilogues, Please

One reader's anti-epilogues campaign and the GIFs that understand her.

POWERLESS: The Good, The Eh, and What I Want to See

Looking for a new show to watch? POWERLESS is quirky, clever, and funny.

Now Streaming: Fictional Writers in Film and TV

Fictional writers in film and TV you can binge-watch now!

Veronica Mars: Here for the Miniseries But More Books, Please!

A Marshmallow pleads her case for more Veronica Mars novels.

Humble Bundle’s Amazing Image Comics Sale

Sound the alarms because Humble Bundle has an amazing Image Comics sale with bundles starting at $1!


I spy with my little eye... lots of fun details in the background scenes of MOCKINGBIRD Vol 1.

10 Free Bookish iPhone Wallpapers

Start the new year with an awesome bookish iPhone wallpaper.