Take a look at some of the most exciting YA paperbacks hitting shelves this winter.
There are so many exciting YA books still to come to get excited for, and we've rounded up more than 90 October-December 2019 YA releases.
Your TBR is about to get busted by this round-up of over 125 upcoming YA books hitting shelves between October and December 2018.
Get these must-read May YA books on your library holds list now, so you don't have to wait forever to read 'em.
YA fiction and nonfiction picks for your April library holds list (aka: the best of the best for your limited reading time).
Get your TBR ready for these upcoming YA books hitting shelves in the spring season of 2018. There's a book here for every kind of reader.
If you're looking for your next great read, look no further than this list of over 150 YA books hitting shelves in the first three months of 2018.
YA books for your January reading needs. Get 'em on your holds list or pick 'em up at your favorite bookstore.
Over 140 YA books for your October to December reading list.
Build your TBR with these 170 YA books hitting shelves July through September 2017