
Help Kickstart the Publication of the World’s First SciFi Novel

Small Beer Press is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the publication of the world's first scifi novel.

Kickstarters We Love: Custom Litographs

Back a Kickstarter to print your own words on shirts, scarves, and more.

Kickstart This: Retrofit and The Pride

We've got two Kickstarter projects to bring to your attention: Retrofit/Big Planet Comics and Pride, Vol. 1

On Kickstarter and the State of Comics Publishing

Let's talk about why Kickstarter has become such a tour de force in comics publishing.

The Ripped Bodice: A Kickstarter for a Romance Bookstore

All about a Kickstarter to support the first romance bookstore in the US

Why I’m Helping To Fund The Indie Publishing Revolution

Are you ready to off-set your Amazon habit and start funding the indie publishing revolution?

Kickstart This: ABC Disgusting

Each week, we bring you comics projects to support on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowdfunding sites.

Kickstart This: Your Dollars for Comics (June 18, 2015)

Each week, we bring you comics projects to support on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowdfunding sites.

Kickstart This: Your Dollars for Comics (June 4, 2015)

Each week, we bring you comics projects to support on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowdfunding sites.

Kickstart This: Your Dollars for Comics (May 21, 2015)

The comics crowdfunding world is large and difficult to keep track of; each week, we highlight a few fundraising projects ...