
QUIZ: Can You Guess These Acclaimed Books By Their 1-Star Reviews?

Here are some 1 star reviews of classic and acclaimed books. Can you match them to the titles they're reviewing?

Black Bookstores a Year After a Summer of Protests

Black Lives Matter protests prompted an uptick in support of Black bookstores, but how are these bookstores doing a year later?

What I’ve Learned From a Decade of Book Blogging

After more than 10 years of consistently keeping a book blog, here's what I've learned. (Hint: value your own work!)

18 of the Best Trans Fantasy and Sci-fi Books

If you're looking for some of the best trans fantasy and sci-fi books out there, this is the place to start, for both adult and YA fiction.

Take Our Pandemic Reading Habits Survey

How has the pandemic affected your reading life, if at all? Let us know how you were affected by taking our pandemic reading habits survey.

The Winners of the 2021 Indigenous Voices Awards Have Been Announced!

Here are the winners of the 2021 Indigenous Voices Awards, including fiction, graphic novels, poetry, and more.

Surefire Ways to Get Bad Goodreads Reviews (No Matter How Good the Book Is)

No matter how good a book is, it will likely get bad Goodreads reviews if it does any of these, like having a child narrator or a sad ending.

21 of Our Favorite New LGBTQ Books

Discover some of the best of the best in recent queer fiction as Rioters share our favorite new LGBTQ books for Pride month.

50+ Years of Pride: The Best Queer Books From Every Decade 1970–2020

Celebrate the history of LGBTQ publishing by reading these 5 notable queer books from each decade of Pride, 1970 to now, including Maurice by E.M. Forster and Small Beauty by jia qing silson-yang.

It’s Not Enough To Educate Yourself as an Ally. You Also Have To Teach.

Reading books to educate yourself as an ally is just the first step. After that, it's your responsibility to help educate others.