
J.R.R. Tolkien and the Exorcism of the Tape Recorder

A story of the time J.R.R. Tolkien performed a (joke) exorcism of a tap recorder in Gothic.

The Instagrams of Favorite Fictional Characters

What would Alice in Wonderland Instagram?

William Shakespeare and the Jews

A look at Shakespeare's portrayal of Shylock in light of the fact that Jewish people weren't allowed to live in England in Shakespeare's day.

The Astonishing Authorship of Aphra Behn

Aphra Behn Oroonoko Early Modern Literature England women writers Virginia Woolf A Room of One's Own

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of THE METAMORPHOSIS

An examination of the greatness of Franz Kafka's THE METAMORPHOSIS

A Simple Tale About Man Who Hates An Animal: MOBY-DICK in Pop Culture

A list of popular culture references to Moby-Dick, including The Simpsons, Family Guy, Starbucks, Moby, Led Zeppelin, Star Trek and many more

After Shakespeare: 4 Playwrights to Explore

What to read when you've finished Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, and Aphra Behn

7 Insanely Awesome Folio Society Books

Beautiful editions of Folio Society books

Learning To Love ULYSSES. Finally.

How one Rioter finally learned to love James Joyce's ULYSSES.

I Wish You Did Not Think Me a Woman: Prejudice and Charlotte Brontë

On Charlotte Bronte's birthday, guest Rioter Patricia Park considers the prejudices the author faced because of her gender.