Instead of King Agamemnon or even Cassandra, we follow Ritsa, a “common” middle-aged woman of ancient Troy.
Lizzie Bennet, Emma Woodhouse, Anne Elliot, and others get a queer makeover in these 12 LGBTQ Jane Austen retellings.
This PRIDE AND PREJUDICE retelling includes a trans protagonist, a must-read if you’re an Austen retelling fan!
For readers bored or intimidated by the literary canon, a list of the best classic books that are actually worth your time to read.
How well do you know the classics? Test your knowledge by matching these last lines to their classic novel.
If you're looking for an immersive reading experience, here's how to recreate the sights, smells, and sounds of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
Ancient Greece is having a moment, as it often is. Our fascination with Greek mythology has captured the book-reading public again.
Reading classic lit doesn’t have to feel like homework — here are 10 lighthearted classics that may even become your comfort reads.
Jane Bennet is a beautiful, kind, and generous person...and also a dangerous one. One reader explains why.
These overrated literary classics have had more than enough time in the sun. It's time to spend our time with some others!