Romeo Rosales
Full time Librarian, father and husband, Romeo Rosales, Jr. holds an MLS from Texas Woman's University in Denton, TX, a B.A. in History from The University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley in Edinburg, TX, and an A.A. in History from South Texas College in McAllen, TX. Romeo was born and raised in Pharr, TX, a border town that is part of the historic Rio Grande Valley. He is a contributor for Public Libraries Online, the companion website to the bi-monthly print publication "Public Libraries," the official magazine of the Public Library Association. He is also a published author and when he is not writing, he is spending all of his time with his wife Claudia and his son Azariah.
Twitter: @Rrsls10
The 5 Best Books I Read In My Youth
Romeo Rosales
November 11, 2017
It's hard to narrow down your favorite books, but maybe limiting to your five favorite books from your young life is easier.
What Librarians Really Do All Day At Work
Romeo Rosales
November 2, 2017
They don't sit around reading books all day. Get a behind the scenes look at the duties a public librarian is tasked with.
The Best Books to Read About the United States’ Involvement in Latin America During the Cold War
Romeo Rosales
October 17, 2017
Take a look at some of the best historical books that detail the United States' involvement in Latin America during the Cold War.
The Best Authors I Ever Met and Why They Were the Coolest
Romeo Rosales
October 1, 2017
One Rioter on the best authors he's ever met (& why they were so cool).
Banned Books Week 2017
Romeo Rosales
September 25, 2017
A librarian's take on how special banned books week is for libraries across the country.
The Weird Things Librarians Find in Books
Romeo Rosales
August 15, 2017
Librarians are on the front lines of handling books, so they see their share of weird things. Here are a few examples.
The Giver: Book One in A Very Good Quartet
Romeo Rosales
August 5, 2017
You've read and loved Lois Lowry's THE GIVER--did you know there are three more books in the series?
Best Excuses for Not Returning Library Books On Time
Romeo Rosales
July 20, 2017
Some of the best library patron excuses for why they turned in their books late. They will come up with any excuse to avoid paying those late fees.
Thug Notes: Classic Literature, Original Gangster
Romeo Rosales
July 8, 2017
Have you enjoyed Thug Notes?
5 of the Best Military History Books to Read
Romeo Rosales
June 20, 2017
Book recommendations for some of the best military books available.