Exciting news Hawkeye fans! A new series starring Clint Barton and Kate Bishop is said to be in the works for Disney's new streaming service.
Spring has almost sprung, which means it's time for a new season of books! Check out these 20 YA books to add to your spring TBR.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any story as beloved as Pride and Prejudice must be in want of ...
Some of your favorites are getting the screen treatment! Don't miss out on these six books to read before they're adapted.
For table decorations, your wedding website, or the perfect wedding reading--find what you're looking for among these literary wedding quotes.
Spring is finally upon us which means flowers, rain showers, and bright yellow books. These yellow romance novels are sure to brighten up your spring!
It’s no secret that we’re big fans of cover design here at Book Riot, from gushing over our favorite covers of ...
Relationship troubles, motorcycle races, magical conflicts, and mermaid girlfriends--these 2019 LGBTQ comics and graphic novels have it all!
Let's celebrate the 206th birthday of one of our favorite classic books with a PRIDE AND PREJUDICE cover roundup! Pick up one of these editions.
Oh, sorry were you hoping your TBR might actually be under control this year? Yeah, probably not going to happen. ...