Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

Jessi Lewis

Jessi Lewis has her MFA in fiction and an MA in Writing and Rhetoric. She was one of the founding editors of Cheat River Review and now works to bring her own fiction, poetry and essays to eyes each month.     Twitter: @jessiwrit

The Challenge of a New Anthology: Ms. Aligned 2

A peek at the creation of the Ms. Aligned 2 anthology.

Beautiful Books to Introduce Poetry to Kids

These 7 excellent children's books will introduce poetry to newcomers, and encourage you and the kids to celebrate the lovely freedom of word forms.

10 Ways to Honor Kurt Vonnegut on his Birthday

Honor Kurt Vonnegut on his birthday with these 10 things.

The Evolution of My Bookish Bucket List

As she leaves her 20s, one reader considers what books to add to her "read before I'm 35" bucket list.

Happy Birthday, Oscar Wilde, and Thanks for the Wisdom

A Rioter celebrates Oscar Wilde quotes on his birthday.

Bookish Lyrics with Awesome References

A selection of songs featuring bookish lyrics. You might be surprised by some of these subtle and not-so-subtle references to authors and books.

When I’m Dead, Don’t Publish My Unpublished Story

A Rioter responds to the unearthing of Kurt Vonnegut's previously unpublished short story, "The Drone King," and recalls other works published posthumously.

Watching WISHBONE Without Reading Literature

A Rioter looks back on the shame of experiencing literature through television (namely, WISHBONE).

A Challenge: Books Reveal You’re Remarkable

What sorts of remarkable qualities do your books reveal about you?

Books to Help You Prepare For The First Semester of College

Prep your mind so that it might open wide!