An epic fantasy series is great, but sometimes, what you need are some great YA fantasy standalones.
One reader took a look at some of 2019's words of the year and matched them with timely children's books for readers of all ages.
These YA books might not be holiday-specific, but they do feature some cozy holiday moments for a touch of the festive.
A teacher thinks sets about bulking up her classroom library and arrives at a revelation about her personal library and its pristine collection of books.
Check out this list of YA books about techie teens featuring teen hackers, coders, and inventors involved in or entering the tech realm.
These 2019 YA couples are the ships we hope sail far.
Today we're recommending 5 beautifully illustrated and heartwarming graphic novels to read in order to lighten your heart and put a smile on your face.
What are some of your favorite games? Take this quiz about games to find a perfect-for-you YA series to marathon.
Add these upcoming 2019 YA releases, out during the last half of the year, to your TBR if you love YA books about queer girls!
Where to begin reading the work of YA novelist and Scholastic editor David Levithan.