When you get to read to your child's class, what book do you choose? This Rioter chose a book that's both representational and inclusive.
These ghost stories are so cinematic and haunting that this reader thinks they deserve adaptations (or newer spins on current adaptations), including The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson.
This Rioter discovered something even more absorbing than the Korean drama she couldn't get enough of: the literature it featured.
Only recently did I encounter Pakistani feminist poetry. But it has kindled a desire to lose myself in these powerful feminist perspectives.
These alluring novels take readers beyond the perimeter of the typical map, featuring unique maps that serve as more than mere reference material.
A roundup of some of the best Harry Potter quotes about love for your crush, partner, or your Valentine's Day card to yourself.
This Rioter finally figured out that the books her toddler is choosing to read with her reflect his current interests and his emotional needs, too.
One reader took a look at some of 2019's words of the year and matched them with timely children's books for readers of all ages.
Beyond hope, reading children's books is about understanding a complex world from a kid's perspective, and learning about ourselves in the process.
30 books for every day of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. From children's Ramadan books to adult reflections, there is something for everyone.