This weekend giveaway is sponsored by Charlie, Presumed Dead by Anne Heltzel. The evidence is there: a bloody jacket, a ...
What were some of the trends in YA books and reading at BEA?
If you're looking for YA fiction books with bisexuality or bisexual characters, here are 7 great reads.
What were the best books we read and recommend in May 2015?
Looking for upcoming YA short stories and short story anthologies? Here are three collections coming in 2015.
If you're looking for diverse YA short stories to read that fall under the speculative fiction umbrella, here are some suggestions
Tracked by Jenny Martin: The Scorpio Races, Future Games, Zeroboxer, and the awesomeness of sci-fi / fantasy sports.
A look at books in YA fiction featuring asexuality or asexual characters/stories.
What is it about reading that makes some other kids find you "odd"?
YA retellings of fairy tales in a realistic setting!