Explore the usually fabulous and always nutty fashion choices of the unbeatable Squirrel Girl in this installment of Fashion Heroes.
This reader and parent came up with a tried-and-true how-to for making an easy Unbeatable Squirrel Girl costume for kids.
Steve Ditko, cocreator of Spider-Man and creator of Squirrel Girl, has died at age 90. A look at his life and the career of a legendary comic creator.
Why one reader decided to cosplay as her favorite comic book character, even though she doesn't like attention.
Milana Vayntrub is awesome, but we can't help wish they'd cast a curvier actress to play Squirrel Girl.
Shannon Hale talks to Book Riot about Real Friends, her new graphic memoir and gives a sneak peak at the next Squirrel Girl novel.
Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. This week: Lumberjanes, Squirrel Girl, and more!
Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list. This week, it's María Cristina's turn.
We present new punny arc names for The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (complete with squirrel GIFs)
This week's edition of No Context Given--Spider-Man got mind controlled...again.