Warmer weather isn't the only thing to look forward to in Spring 2022, these new adult romances will surely put a spring in your step.
New Adult LGBTQ romance books like these ones are the height of comfort for twentysomethings trying to figure out life and love.
Publishers seem to consider New Adult a failed experiment, but it's very popular on TikTok. What happened, and what does its future hold?
Tirzah and Hannah welcome special guest Sheba Karim, whose latest book is about a topic near and dear to Hannah ...
A reader considers the differences between Young Adult and New Adult books, and takes a look at some titles that might fall under NA.
YA fiction is so often focused on people in late middle school and high school. But what about college students? That's where college YA comes in.
A reader reviews Laura Kemp's EVENING IN THE YELLOW WOOD, a new niche in indie New Adult lit.
So you want to read about adult characters, but you're not ready for the emotional suburban dramas of literary fiction? Try New Adult.
As much as Rioter Amanda D. loves romance, she may need to break up with New Adult for a while.
This installment of the Riot Recommendation is sponsored by White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout published by Harlequin Teen. One ...