
Which Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) Hashira Are You?

Take this quiz to find out which Kimetsu No Yaiba Hashira you are. Are you a Wind, Water, Mist, or Insect Hashira? Let's find out.

Can You Read Manga On A Kindle? How To Get Your Manga Fix

Can you read manga on a Kindle, or is it just going to be a hassle? Fear not—there are plenty of ways you can get your fix!

Manga Erotica: A Beginner’s Guide To Ecchi & Hentai

This guide to manga erotica will give you a crash course in ecchi and hentai and show you where to start reading manga with sex scenes.

Books You Never Knew Had Manga Adaptations

We’ve got something for everyone in this list of manga adaptations, from straight classics to horror reimaginings.

Which Came First: The Anime or the Manga?

If you love both anime and manga, there's a book out there that combines your passions. Find a few among these manga based on anime.

Manhwa vs Manga: What’s the Difference?

Are you confused about the difference between manhwa vs manga? Here's a closer look at these two popular comic formats from East Asia.

12 Manhwa and Manga Like MY HERO ACADEMIA

Love Deku and the superhero crew? Read these 12 manhwa and manga like My Hero Academia to fall in love again.

Manga (and Comics) Cinnamon Roll Smackdown

I've pitted come comics and manga cinnamon rolls against each other in adorable grudge matches to judge their cinnamon rolliness.

The 5 Best Dressed Characters in Manga

Manga, but make it fashion! Let's look at some of the best dressed manga characters to wow us with their couture.

3 of my Favorite Demons in Manga

The baddies, the villains, the sly ones, the demons: these are a few of my favorite things! Read on for three of my favorite demons in manga.

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