
What if The Iliad Was a True Story?

We took a trip to Hisarlik hill, the site of Homer's Troy, and chatted with the archaeologists working there about the historical accuracy of The Iliad.

Interview with Emily Wilson on Her New Translation of THE ODYSSEY

We chat with classicist Emily Wilson, the first woman to translate Homer's Odyssey in its entirety.

Translators Deserve More Recognition

Why translators of literature deserve more recognition from the book world.

5 Mysteries I Would Solve Were I A Mystery Solving Bookstore Owner

Five classic bookish mysteries I would solve, were I am amateur sleuth.

10 Adventure Novels to Die For

If you're looking for great adventure novels, here are some recommendations

George Clooney, Harold and Kumar, and The Odyssey

the odyssey o brother where art thou harold and kumar

Top 10 Literary References in Friday Night Lights

Even a die-hard Friday Night Lights fan like me has to admit it was not exactly a literary show. But I found 10 great literary references anyway.

Bookish Boozing: 12 Beers With Literary Names

Beer and books. Books and beer. They’re a pretty good pairing, huh? When you want to do even more than ...

Books To Get You In The Passover Spirit

It’s that time again, ladies and gents: that’s right, the Passover and Easter season. Easter bunnies everywhere, Manischewitz wine flying ...

Reading Under the Desk

As I kid, I actually liked school (ok, I only liked my English, History, Social Studies, and Art classes, but ...