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#Harry Potter

JK Rowling Fires Pottermore Editorial Staff, Putting Future of Website in Question

Pottermore has fired most of its editorial staff. A source told BuzzFeed some of the blame belongs to waning fan confidence in the franchise after the casting of Johnny Depp as Grindelwald.

Stunning Harry Potter Cakes for All Potterheads!

Beautiful Harry Potter cakes (and cupcakes!) from Instagram that you'll want to stuff in your face. Accio recipes! Why isn't it working? Is this thing on?

I Don’t Like Big Books And I Cannot Lie

Are you the type of reader who just can't hang with big books? You are not alone.

I Finally Read Harry Potter

One Rioter's journey to finally reading Harry Potter after years of her friends pressuring her to do so, and what happened when she finally did read it.

To My Fellow Hogwarts Houseless: You Are Not Alone

Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not allowed to truly love Harry Potter because you don't have (or want to have) a Hogwarts House.

Dumbledore Will Not Be “Explicitly” Gay in New Harry Potter Movie

"Yates and Rowling are taking zero steps towards actually being inclusive, but they still want all the cookies for being progressive" On Dumbledore's straight-washing in the new Harry Potter movie.

Healthy Masculinity: 14 Books About Gentle Boys

One Rioter explores her Anti-Fascist Parenting Plan by focusing on books about gentle boys and men, rather than violent ones.

If Stephen King Wrote HARRY POTTER

What if Stephen King's novels all took place in the Harry Potter universe? Hear us out on this one...

6 Reasons Why Slytherins Are Not Inherently Evil

Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge give Slytherins a bad name, but here is why being sorted into Slytherin House does not make one evil incarnate.

Some of the Best #BlackHogwarts Tweets

Twitter imagines what Hogwarts would be like if it were predominantly black with the hashtag #BlackHogwarts.