
It’s the Ghost Wonderful Time of the Year! 6 Great Ghost Romances

'Tis the season for ghost romances, where everyone is chasing that HEA (happily ever afterlife, of course).

20 Must-Read Paranormal Romances

Witches, vampires, ghosts galore! It's paranormal romance you're looking for.

An In-specter Calls: Books Where Ghosts Help Solve A Mystery

Sometimes it's a ghost that helps solve a book's mystery, and it can be delightful, chilling, or a combination of the two. 

12 Ghost Romances to Tingle Your Spine

Sometimes the things that bumps in the night and the tingles up your spine are a good thing... enter ghost romance!

15 Sweetly Spooky Halloween Books for Toddlers

Here is a list of 15 sweet and spooky Halloween books for toddlers to get them excited about the best holiday of all.

When is a Ghost Not a Ghost? Hauntings in Horror Literature

A ghost is never just a ghost, because it always represents something more than itself. Here is some of the symbolism of hauntings in horror.

Who’s There?: 10 Ghost Stories to Keep You Up All Night

If you don't care about getting a good night's sleep and need a good supernatural tale, try one of these haunting ghost story books.

Boo Yeah: What Ghost Story Should You Pick Up Next?

I ain't afraid of no ghost: Take this fun and frightening quiz and find out what ghost story should haunt your TBR!

Baltimore Hauntings That Would Make Great Comics

These Baltimore hauntings make great inspiration for comics and graphic novels, and here are the creative teams that could bring them to life.

Home Sweet Ho…Maybe Not: The Haunted House in Fiction

What is it about that brooding house down the street? We're taking a look at the haunted house in fiction and asking why we can't see ourselves out.