A reader critiques the dearth of male literary heroes who personify the qualities of empathy, compassion, friendship, equality, honesty, loyalty, and strength of character.
If 2018 turns out to be anything like 2017, we’re going to need a lot of feminist reading material. Here are twenty-four feminist books to read in 2018.
Growing up is hard. Growing up well is even harder. Here's a handful of books that might make that journey a little bit easier.
Seven intersectional fairy tale retellings featuring princesses of color and LGBT relationships.
One Rioter reflects on her recent love for the matriarchal society shown in Kate Elliott's COURT OF FIVES, and offers a list of further SFF matriarchies.
VIDA has put out its 2016 Count, breaking down gender parity in the publishing world.
Meet the Women’s National Book Association, created in 1917!
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has rolled back Title IX guidelines protecting victims of campus sexual assault.
"Carrie Fisher is rolling her eyes so hard at you, dude." How #SWisaGirlThingToo got started, and on the kickass women of Star Wars.