If you want books about magical schooling, here's a list of more than 28 of them, including series books like Harry Potter and The Magicians.
BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS--a twisted anti-fairy tale for beautifully dark grownups
Successful and unsuccessful direct quotes of books in movies.
Where to go with J.R.R. Tolkien's work when you're done with The Lord of the Rings
Why divide our books by our common genre divisions? Frustration over an overworked debate
Reading a deeply involving series is one of the great joys of being a book lover. Accidentally finding yourself in the middle of three? That's a pile-up.
Kazuo Ishiguro takes literary fantasy and his readers in a new direction with The Buried Giant
Last week, it was parents who were writers. This week, it’s the teens themselves. For a while in YA lit, ...