
More Colouring Book Adaptations, Please

I have genuinely been enjoying the stream of new colouring books, each one bringing some new theme and style to life. ...

Skills I Think I Have Because I Read Science Fiction and Fantasy

Archery! Starting a fire with sticks! Flying a spaceship!

Of Beards and Books: An Interview with Patrick Rothfuss

Patrick Rothfuss is the best-selling fantasy author of The Kingkiller Chonicles series. He answers a few questions today for Book Riot readers.

Period Fantasy: On Mentions of Menstruation in YA

On the YA novels that do (and don't) recognize menstruation in the lives of the female characters.

The Appeal of Magical Boarding Schools

A consideration of why we enjoy reading fantasies set in boarding schools.

An Open Letter To An Extended Book Series

An exercise in returning to an extended book series that you may have taken some time away from.

On Maps in Fantasy Novels

Maps are a staple in fantasy fiction, but some authors just don't want them.

5 Completed Series to Read While You Wait for WINDS OF WINTER

If you need closure from the next series you read, here are five completed series that will take your mind off Westeros.

Geeks Can Do Better: 5 Ways Phoenix Comicon Is Doing Diversity Right

Diversity isn't about allowing the status quo to continue on, it's about being proactive about inclusivity. Phoenix Comicon is doing a-okay with that.

The Brave New World of Spec Fic Magazines: A Primer

Where to start with science-fiction/fantasy magazines.