If you're looking for some hands-free reading tools or stickers to make your Kindle pretty, check out these Kindle accessories.
Are you missing lockscreen covers for ebooks you've sideloaded onto your Kindle? Here’s how to fix them in just a few easy steps!
What's going on with Kindle? See what changes are coming to return policies, file formats, and ebook lending at Amazon.
How much does it cost? What's battery life like? What happens if I drop it in the bath? Answers to these and more questions in this Kindle Oasis Review.
What one reader found great company in while partaking in international train travel.
Why one digital reader is holding on to technolust for black and white e-ink ereaders.
A list of popular literary journals that have subscriptions for e-readers.
The North Korean government recently released its first-ever electronic tablet. The Samjiyon lacks Internet access, but can tune into local ...