7 Books about Books that You Need to Read if You Love Books or 7 Bibliomysteries for the Dedicated Bibliophile.
Hey reader, what's your sign? Check out Book Riot's March 2018 horoscopes and book recommendations to see what to expect and read in the month ahead!
Being scared is fun! When the horror stays between the pages, that is. If you're on the hunt for nightmare fuel, look no further than these must-read contemporary horror novels.
Have you ever wanted to recommend a book to someone based not on what other books they like, but because of what music they like? So have we! Here are 16 book recommendations based on your favorite music from Kesha to Bruce Springsteen to Erykah Badu!
Hey reader, what's your sign? Check out Book Riot's February horoscopes and book recommendations to see what's in store for you this month!
A list of 10 great books about people who faced great adversity, overcame the odds and went on to have wonderfully successful lives.
A reader on discovering the works of N.K. Jemisin and Myke Cole, and following their fantasy book series all the way to the end.
Looking for the perfect book to ring in the New Year? Let the stars be your guide with our January horoscopes and book recommendations!
What to read after you've read the Harry Potter series. A look at several young adult books like Harry Potter that will keep readers going for a long time.
A list of 30 great books that came out in January, February, and March of this year that deserve a signal boost.