If you've been wanting to jump into some Black sci-fi authors, here is your chance with these fabulous authors to add to your TBR.
If you're looking for conversations on race and Blackness in South Africa, look to these South African authors as a starting point.
Black girls falling in love, SFF adventures in South Africa, and memoirs about being Black and queer. These are some must-read LGBTQ books by Black authors.
The #BlackoutBestsellerList and #BlackPublishingPower initiatives urge readers to buy two books by Black authors from June 14-June 21st in an effort to amplify Black voices.
Celebrate and uplift some necessary voices by checking out these audiobooks by queer Black authors and supporting their work.
Support Black voices and get into a great read--add these upcoming books by Black authors, releasing June through the end of the year, to your TBR.
On how books can be grounding during times of struggle and uncertainty.
In honor of Toni Morrison's birthday, we have a list of authors recommended by Toni Morrison that you should add to your TBR, expeditiously!
This list of Black children's books by Black authors are ones which you may want to get for the kiddos in your life (or your own library).
We want to celebrate the contributions of black Americans with action--check out this list of Black bookish creators you can support year-round.