Hey YA

From great new books to favorite classic reads, from news to the latest in on-screen adaptations, the Hey YA podcast is here to elevate the exciting world of young adult lit.

YA Fantasy Worlds We’d Live In vs Ones We Wouldn’t

Tirzah and Erica discuss some fantastical worlds in YA they'd want to live in versus ones they'd rather not.

Extra Credit: We Stan a Warrior Queen — Arab American YA

Erica celebrates Arab American History month by sharing some YA books by Arab American authors.

I Want That On My Headstone: YA Novels In Verse

Tirzah and Erica discuss some YA novels in verse for National Poetry Month.

Hey YA Extra Credit: New YA Novellas

This week, Tirzah talks about the trend of YA novellas, and some recent novellas releases that should be on your radar!

Book Club: All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir

Tirzah and Erica discuss the book All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir.

Hey YA Extra Credit: Graphic Nonfiction

This week Erica discusses some YA graphic nonfiction books that are helping her reach her reading goals.

Beware the Ides of March

Tirzah and Erica discuss some YA Shakespeare retellings.

Hey YA Extra Credit: What Real Teens Are Reading

This week, Tirzah discusses some of the YA books that are most popular with the teens she works with!

Getting All Up in Our Little Women Feelings

Tirzah and Erica discuss some YA historical fiction with strong female leads.

Hey YA Extra Credit: People Be People-ing — New Releases by Black Authors to TBR

Erica discusses some new YA books of different genres by Black authors to have on your radar for the first part of the year.