Best of Book Riot

Get Ready to Read 10 of the Best Thrilling YA Heist Novels

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A lot on offer today on Book Riot:

Get Ready to Read 10 of the Best Thrilling YA Heist Novels

 We all need a little bit of adventure and thrills in our lives, right? These books will provide that without even stepping outside your door. You don’t have to join a group of misfits who have unique abilities and endanger your life in the process — but you can if you want to! Get ready for epic plot twists, found family, and highly intelligent main characters.

15 June Romance Novels to Cure the Summertime Blues

Either way, June 2024 is going to be THEE month for romance (she says as she knows that each month will continue to be THEE month for romance until she dies). There were so many books listed that I was beside myself with trying to cut the list down to the titles you see here. You’ve already got Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood and Leather & Lark, the sequel to Butcher & Blackbird, on your radar. You might be ready to pick up Vajra Chandrasekera’s Rakesfall, even though it doesn’t promise an HEA. (That cover, tho!) And these 15 books? They’re all promising to be absolute bangers.

2023 Stoker Award Winners for Best Horror and Dark Fantasy

The Stoker Awards are given out by the Horror Writers Association and honor both works of horror and dark fantasy. They were first awarded in 1987 and winners are selected by active members of the Association.

Easy Ways to Support Your Public Library Right Now

So you’re looking for easy ways to support your library! Amazing. Even well-funded libraries can use our help to function their best. With how many libraries are under attack from censors, this supportive work is incredibly important.

8 LGBTQ+ Serial Stories to Explore Right Now

As we dive into Pride month, I’m reading more and more LGBTQIA+ stories. This month every year, I seek out gay standalone novels. I seek transgender nonfiction. I crave lesbian short stories. I chase intersex stories of all kinds. If there are words written about and by my LGBTQIA+ peeps, I’m here for it. And that includes serial stories.

Pride in the Library: Gifts for Readers Celebrating LGBTQ+ People and Books

This library-themed pride merch celebrates everyone, and it expands upon last year’s roundup of Pride in the Library goods. Yes, let’s acknowledge rainbow capitalism right here, and let’s also accept that emphasizing the importance of LGBTQ+ presence in the library matters. All of these come from small creators, and wearing or sporting these library pride goods helps you identify yourself with the right side of history. As mentioned in the roundup of fantastic stickers celebrating the right to read, engaging in capitalism here is a way to support those who are being directly hurt by ongoing discriminatory legislation, and it’s a way to find and connect with like-minded folks who are pushing back.