#Our Reading Lives

Our Reading Lives features stories about how books and reading have shaped who we are and how we live.

Why Author Readings are Great

On the joys of attending an author reading.

All My Favourite Authors Are Teachers

A look at one reader's discovery of how many great authors are educators after a weekend of book events at the Toronto International Festival of Authors.

My Reading Resolutions for 2019

Have you set your reading resolutions for 2019? Here's one reader's list of bookish goals for the New Year.

Remembering to Read for Joy and Resolutions

A reader on past reading goals, reading quickly, and how listening to audiobooks and short story podcasts have helped her slow down.

From Hermione to Vivek Shraya: How Reading Has Impacted My Views on Gender

From the brainy feminism of Hermione to the poetry of Vivek Shraya, how reading has shaped one reader's understanding of gender.

A Love Letter to My Reading Mom

On treasured gifts, including affection for the written word and a fondness for libraries, that one bookish mom passed down to her child.

Why I Decided to Turn my TBR Inside-Out

Why one reader stores her to-be-read books with the spines facing backwards.

Weeding Books With This One Simple Question

A simple question could change the way you consider weeding your books and buying books in your life.

Traveling for Thanksgiving: What We Read

Thanksgiving might be over, but reminiscing about traditions is always timely.

Is It Okay To Stop Reading a Book You Don’t Like?

Common wisdom says that in order to read faster, you should skip books you don't absolutely love. But that doesn't teach us anything.