
Characters Shouldn’t Need to Kiss to Be Queer

A reader on the far-reaching, negative effects of the assumption that in order for a character to be queer they have to kiss or "prove" it.

5 Reasons Why We Should All Be Participating in Read Alouds

Reading aloud isn't just for kids' storytime--it's for everyone. Here's why this reader thinks we should all participate in read alouds.

In Praise of the Short Story

Do short stories get the short end of the stick when we talk about works of literature? Here's one reader on why the form deserves more praise.

6 Reasons Why Bookish Friends are the Best Friends

Why are reader friends the best friends? Let us count the ways. Check out one reader's opinion on why bookish friends are so fantastic.

Home Sweet Ho…Maybe Not: The Haunted House in Fiction

What is it about that brooding house down the street? We're taking a look at the haunted house in fiction and asking why we can't see ourselves out.

Why I’m Worried about BIRDS OF PREY

BIRDS OF PREY (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) hits theaters on February 7th. I already have some concerns...

6 Ideas For Nancy Drew’s 90th Birthday (That Aren’t Killing Her)

Let's replace the garbage that is this Nancy Drew 90th birthday storyline wherein she's killed off for a Hardy Boys mystery with these superior ideas.

The N-Word: Confronting Racial Slurs In Literature

Just because it's in the book doesn't mean we should feel free to say it. A reader on how to approach the N-word and racial slurs in literature.

An Open Letter to Stephen King

A response to Stephen King's comments about the Oscars and diversity.

What All Those Dead Girls Say About Us

Kit Frick, author of the forthcoming YA thriller I KILLED ZOE SPANOS, continues the conversation about the trend of dead and dying girls in thrillers.