#Literary Fiction

The People’s Pulitzer

As most of you know, the Pulitzer board spit the bit this year and couldn’t pick a fiction winner. Apparently, ...

The Top Six Baseball Novels

Hope springs eternal! Happy Opening Day! Baseball’s summer-long march to the Fall Classic begins today, and to celebrate and get ...

Paperback THE PALE KING Offers Brand New Wallace Writing

David Foster Wallace had quite a following before his suicide in 2008, but his posthumous success has turned the timbre ...

Old Writer, New Book: Hostage by Elie Wiesel

In 2005, I traveled to Mexico City a few times. On one of those trips, I spent the afternoon roaming ...

Four International Writers To Know

Sometimes it seems like men named Jonathan have a monopoly on American Literary Fiction. While this might be true, it ...

Featured Book Trailer: The Good Father by Noah Hawley

Interview: Eowyn Ivey

Eowyn Ivey’s debut novel The Snow Child officially hit shelves last week, though there were sightings of it in stores ...

Matching Up? Book Quotes and Their Movie Counterparts

Plot-wise, it’s easy to tell when a movie deviates from the book on which it’s based. But is it as ...

Genrefication: A Few Thoughts on Romance, the Novel, and Literary Fiction

I was recently discussing mystery books with a friend, and each of us was throwing out names of authors who ...

The Best Novels of 2010…so far

Like a keg at a frat party, it seems like we just tapped 2010, but now it is already half-finished. ...