#Historical Fiction

New Historical Fiction by Black Authors

Read more books by Black authors with these new historical fiction releases from 2024—which span from 1800s America to 1930s Lagos.

10 Must-Read Historical Fiction Books Set in Hawai’i

Hawai'i has a long and storied history, and these beautiful historical fiction books set in Hawai'i can help you learn more about it.

How To Pick Which Historical Fiction Book To Read Next

Feeling stuck and not sure what to read next? These tips will help you figure out which historical fiction book to read.

Historical Fiction Books for Kids

Here are historical fiction books to help pass down a love of history and reading to kids, and two new releases out this week.

The Best Historical Fiction Set in Nigeria

Want to read historical fiction set in Nigeria? These eight books will give you all you want, including the classic Things Fall Apart.

Code Breaking Historical Fiction

Decipher the secrets of great reading with these code-breaking historical fiction books.

Short Historical Fiction Books To Read In a Weekend

Why read regular-sized books when you could read short ones instead? You'll finish these short historical fiction books in no time.

Play Ball With These Historical Sports Novels

Before there was Simone Biles, there were these trailblazers making history in historical sports novels like In A LEAGUE OF HER OWN.

Judging Historical Fiction Books By Their Titles

Let's judge some historical fiction books by their titles, shall we? Plus, the real SOUND OF MUSIC story and an unconventional 1880s life.

12 of the Best Queer Historical Romance Books

The best queer historical romance books — like these swoon-worthy reads — prove the past is bigger and queerer than you may imagine.