Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


News on new nonfiction books and recommendations for the best nonfiction books, including historical books, biographies, nonfiction books for kids, and more, from Book Riot.

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: Week of October 30, 2012

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback. This ...

Mars Mania: A Reading List

Back in August, a robot landed on Mars. Admittedly, we’ve landed robots there before, but none quite so big or ...

Five Books to Watch for in November

November is a tough month for me to predict what I will want to read or what the big books ...

Riot Round-Up: The Best Books We Read in October

We asked our contributors to share the best book they read this month. We’ve got fiction, nonfiction, YA, memoir, and ...

Literary Tiger Beat: Moony for Memoirists

In the last issue of Literary Tiger Beat I was listing Dreamy Fictional Female Teens. I had a lot of ...

The Whites of Their Eyes: 3 Books of War History

Books about war, Victor Hanson, Battle of Shiloh, Sledge, Old Breed, Okinawa, Filkins, Forever War, Loyal Miles, the whites of their eyes, Fussell, Keegan

Write Place, Write Time: Kathleen Alcott

After years of bookshelves I thought less than beautiful, I finally did something right. These are old library ladders with ...

Fresh Ink: New Books Out Today: October 23, 2012

Oh man, the Fall of Awesome Books just keeps rolling! Ask the Passengers by A.S. King (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) ...

Their 15 Minutiae: Julie Klam

In Their 15 Minutiae, writers take a break from talking about books and writing to discuss other things on their ...

Suggested Reading for the Presidential Candidates

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama’s Facebook pages list their favorite books (or at least what they want you to think ...