#Comics/Graphic Novels

We love capes and tights, we love graphic memoirs, we love web comics– we love it all! Stick around for comic book news, adaptation updates, and (of course) comics recommendations. That includes manga and manhwa too!

No Context Given : Smash Comics #1

From Smash Comics #1 by Tom Peyer (writer), Stephen Sadowski (pencils), Michael Bair (inks), Noelle Giddings (colors), Ken Lopez (letters) ...

The First Ant-Man Teaser Trailer is Out and I Have Questions

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEVE3KSKQ0o[/youtube] As someone who doesn’t really know anything about Ant-Man, but has faith in Marvel being newbie-friendly with their films ...

The Comics Games of The Internet Archive

This week, archive.org released a collection of over 2,300 MS-DOS games that can be played right through almost any browser. The ...

6 Side Characters in Comics Whose Stories Should Be Told

Often, as interesting as any headlining character or superhero can be in a given comics series, I find myself wondering ...

Marvel’s Agent Carter: A Story of Her Own

Everybody loves Peggy Carter. Wait, that’s not true. This is the Internet, the place where the answer to a question ...

Throwback Thursday: Deadpool Classics Illustrated

As a kid, I adored the illustrated classics. The comics panels depicting the works of Stevenson and Twain, in particular, ...

Comics Fetish: Volume 13

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. Tintin fans, you ...

Je Suis Charlie: We Must Stand with Charlie Hebdo

Editorial cartoonists are the court jesters of our time. They speak truth to power. They uncover the absurdities of daily ...

Art Roundup: Spotlight on Riddler

Riddle me this, Panelteers… Just kidding, I suck at making up riddles. Welcome to a new year of art roundups! ...

Graphic Novels and Collections to Look Out for in January

Every month, we get simply slammed with new releases of comics. It’s not just the hardcover and paperback collections of ...