Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 507, your round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!
Here are three great YA novels if you'd like to know more about Japanese American imprisonment during WWII.
From engaging YA stories that offer some incisive social commentary to swoony romcoms to horror, there's a lot going on in May.
If you are curious about the '90s and you want to travel back in time, then make sure these '90s timeslip YA novels are on your TBR!
These eight wedding mysteries and thrillers, including You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa, prove that sometimes the happiest moments reveal some of the darkest motivations.
From a queer Austen retelling to a Twisted Tale take on The Little Mermaid, here are the best YA graphic novels and comics out Spring 2023.
Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 505, your round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!
It is the age of the YA romcom, and we're here for it. Here are 3 YA romcoms that take their inspiration from romcoms from decades past.
These April 2023 YA releases include summery reads, big name releases, new series, exciting anthologies, and some promising sophomore novels. Start with The Self-Same Metal by Brittany N. Williams.
Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 505, your round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!