Nancy Snyder

I am a left coast native and writer; my working life began after studying at San Francisco State University; I have been an office worker and a labor organizer; longtime freelance writer covering books and labor and assorted cultural and political issues.

11 Older And Instant Classics About Indigenous People

Find some recent and older works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry among these older and instant classics about Indigenous people, including There There by Tommy Orange.

Walter Mosley and Easy Rawlins Recognized Again

Get to know the National Book Foundation award-winning author Walter Mosley, and his iconic hardboiled detective, Easy Rawlins.

Reading Pathways: Alice Hoffman Books

Take a step beyond PRACTICAL MAGIC and get into some magical and evocative Alice Hoffman books with this Reading Pathway.

11 Great Biographies of U.S. Suffragists

Get to know, and take inspiration from, some of the leaders of the women's suffrage movement with these biographies about U.S. suffragists.

An American History Summer Reading List

A summer reading list that highlights American history, including political upheavals and Native American stories, including The Good Lord Bird by James McBride.

Parental Fear and Cultural Erasure: The Logic Behind Banning Books

Have you ever wondered what motivates parents to call for book bans? One reader considers the logic behind banning books.

4 Exceptional Queer Poets for Your Pride Reading

Get to know these queer poets who deftly capture the human experience in verse, and add their collections to your Pride TBR.

Women Warriors for Social Justice

The books include extraordinary stories by and about radical women who considered themselves to be links in the chain in the battle for social justice.

A Guide To Poems By Gwendolyn Brooks

The power and the beauty of poems by Gwendolyn Brooks has been a constant companion of mine. If you're a new reader of hers, this is where to start. 

5 Books To Comprehend Global Migration and the Refugee Experience

Pick up a book or more from this list of extraordinary anthologies and poetry books about global migration and the refugee experience.

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