Josh Corman

Josh Corman is a writer and English teacher in Central Kentucky and a Contributing Editor at Panels. He also writes for Kentucky Sports Radio’s pop culture blog, Funkhouser. If he’s not reading, he’s hanging out with his wife and two young children or cheering on his beloved Kentucky Wildcats.   Twitter: @JoshACorman

Trailer Rundown: THE END OF THE TOUR

You know how your social media feeds blow up whenever a Star Wars or Marvel movie trailer drops? You know how long-waiting ...

Captain America Must Die

Warning: this post contains SPOILERS for Avengers: Age of Ultron and Marvel’s Civil War event, so read carefully. With Age of Ultron in the ...

Reading My Way Through the Movies: 6 Great Books About Film

I love reading about movies. Doing so is a confluence of two of my very favorite things in the world, ...

An ANT-MAN Trailer Rundown

Every time I hear somebody mention Ant-Man, I think, ‘That’s right! Ant-Man is a thing!” It’s shameful, I’ll admit, for ...

Marvel’s 1602: Why It’s Awesome and an Idea for Its Future

I don’t know if combining Elizabethan England with the Marvel Universe seems like a good idea in a vacuum. Thankfully, ...

An Eleven-Book Pile-Up: When the Reading Life Just Clicks

The reading life is full of happy accidents, and lucky me, I’ve just experienced a new one: I’m stuck, simultaneously, in ...

3 Things Calvin and Hobbes Taught Me About Parenting

I can’t remember exactly when I started reading Calvin and Hobbes, though I suspect it was somewhere around sixth grade. ...

Black Widow and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Since I first got a Marvel Unlimited subscription last year, I’ve devoured as much of the Marvel Universe as time ...

5 Book Recs for the (Imaginary) Kanye West Book Club

Let’s be clear: there is no such thing as the Kanye West Book Club. And, if Yeezy himself is to ...

The 8-Step Marketing Plan for Harper Lee’s New Novel

The world is still picking up its collective jaw from the floor after hearing about Harper Lee’s forthcoming novel (I ...