Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

Ann Foster

Ann can often be found walking very slowly through the aisles of bookstores, making sure that nothing new has come out she doesn’t know about yet, and then eagerly telling people about them. She writes about women from history at, and about books, film, TV, and feminism at various other sites. She prefers her books to include at least three excellent plot twists, which is why she usually reads the end first. Twitter: @annfosterwriter

13 Women Writers Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

There’s something about the immediacy of watching historical events unfold onscreen that makes me all the more interested in learning ...

15 Issues-Driven YA Books That Would Make Great Limited Series

The success of some YA adaptations on Netflix got us thinking about which issues-driven YA books would make addicting binge watches.

10 Middle Grade Books About The Pioneer Era (That Aren’t LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE)

Middle grade books about the pioneer era for young readers who want to skip Little House on the Prairie.

An Interview with #MURDERTRENDING mastermind Gretchen McNeil

If you haven’t heard the name Gretchen McNeil before, you certainly will when her new book #MURDERTRENDING hits shelves. McNeil ...

The Surprising Story of Napoleon’s Stepdaughter: A Sandra Gulland Interview

Sandra Gulland's Josephine B. Trilogy explored the life of Napoleon's wife. Her new YA novel takes a look at the little-known story of Josephine's daughter.

Books About Obsessive Friendship For Fans of KILLING EVE

KILLING EVE is the latest incarnation of the classic story of obsessive friendship. Here are some other recent titles to scratch that itch.

MISSION CLOCKWORK Is Quasimodo By Way Of James Bond: An Arthur Slade Interview

Arthur Slade's MISSION CLOCKWORK series reimagines the tragic figure of Quasimodo as Modo a shapeshifting spy adventuring his way through steampunk Victorian London.

An Interview With YA Mystery Author Amelia Brunskill

We caught up with THE WINDOW author Amelia Brunskill to talk about twins, dead girls, our cultural obsession with murder mysteries, and which old school sleuths inspired her to write her debut novel.

10 Great Pride and Prejudice Retellings For All Ages

Our favorite Pride and Prejudice retellings prove that Jane Austen's story can still work whether set in high school, contemporary Toronto, and even as a board book!

How a Small LGBTQ Bookstore Took the Internet By Storm

The Common Language Bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI, is staffed by three humans and one dog. When one of their customers shared their love of the shop, tumblr took notice.