On the importance of prison libraries to people who are incarcerated, and on the policies and backlash against stripping access to library resources.
Readers looking for must-read book series for middle schoolers can find plenty of suggestions for mystery, fantasy, and more.
A look at guidelines to representing suicide and self-harm in fiction, and how and why fiction writers might be able to use these guidelines in their work.
If you're an aspiring writer in need of advice, have a browse through this rundown of creative writing guides, including journals, workbooks, and guides.
A roundup of toxic friendships in fiction, and a look at how books can offer insight on negotiating difficult real-life friendship issues.
One reader with newly-diagnosed OCD looks at how OCD is represented in books, and what more she'd like to see in representations.
Covering classics, recent feminist writing, and fiction and poetry through a feminist lens, these are the best feminist books to get started with.
Try a middle grade book that doesn't take place in the US or UK, including books set in Nigeria, India, Italy, France, China, and Pakistan, for Read Harder.
Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an old hand in business, this list of Warren Buffett book recommendations will round out your reading list.
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." What does it mean?