What are copyright libraries, and why do we need them? This article explains the role legal deposits play in the wider world of libraries.
If you're a YA reader who doesn't know where to start in the vast world of comics, check out this list of YA comics for new comics readers.
Friendship is at the heart of many kids' stories. Here are some wonderful, heartwarming children's books about best friends.
These medical books for kids will help demystify illness, healthcare, and the functions of the human body.
These hygiene books for elementary students are a helpful guide to teach kids how to stay clean and healthy in a number of ways.
Stuck for reading ideas, and counting the pennies? Here's how to find free baby books, with plenty of choices that still support authors and illustrators.
The UK's Save Our Libraries campaign, spearheaded by librarians and authors, began nearly 10 years ago - but has it achieved its goal of stopping closures?
Check out these fantastic middle school books with happy endings, to share with the middle schooler in your life or to read if you need a cheering boost.
If you're sick of lockdown or are itching for unusual travel, these fantasy destinations will give you ideas for your imaginary holiday plans.
Here are some of our favourite books about whales, for kids and adults like, to take you away to the ocean, wherever you are.